Support TechEquity

Join us and help build a more equitable tech industry!

When you take action with TechEquity, you’re taking a powerful step to be part of the solution.

You’re using your civic power to directly address inequities inside of the tech industry and inequities that result from the tech industry—whether that’s ensuring that everyone in our community has a safe place to call home or making sure that our products help rather than harm our communities.

You can join thousands of tech workers who are already making a difference.

Part of a donor-advised fund? You can make a donation through your fund here.

Your contributions help make sure stories like AnaStacia’s get told. Our Contract Worker Disparity Project shines a light on an entire class of tech workers that have been locked out of tech’s prosperity. Temporary, contract, and contingent workers, who are hired through contracting agencies, are often doing the same work as their directly-employed peers while making less money, receiving fewer benefits, and experiencing career immobility.

The Contract Worker Disparity Project is a comprehensive look at the scale of these inequities. We’ve used our original findings to pass historic legislation to ensure contract workers are seen, included, and heard in the halls of power. We put together a responsible contracting standard to enable companies who want to make changes to support the contract workforce.

And we’re not done! Your contribution helps this effort grow and ensures that we can come together to close this hidden equity gap in tech.

Do you represent a tech company that cares about these issues and wants to make a contribution? Reach out to us at