AI + competition – event recording

April 26, 2024

AI has taken the world by storm. Seemingly overnight, generative AI has embedded itself across industries and is impacting millions of people. This rapid change in our technology—and its impact on our economy—has raised larger questions of how we can ensure that these tools are not controlled by a handful of existing actors who have the power to shape the technology and importantly—the public’s access to that technology.

On Friday, April 19th we explored how the attention, interest, and investment in Al could further concentrate power and economic inequity. We heard from experts on how to craft policy and establish the guardrails needed to ensure that we can foster healthy competition in the emerging AI market. This lunchtime panel discussion was held in the Eureka Room in the California State Capitol in Sacramento.

Panelists included:

  • Teri Olle, Director of Economic Security California
  • Lee Hepner, Legal Counsel at the American Economic Liberties Project

Moderated by Khari Johnson, Tech Reporter for CalMatters.