Our Approach

How are we shaping the tech industry?

The tech industry plays a consequential role in our society and within our communities. We want to see tech foster prosperity, not exacerbate harm.

We’re addressing how tech intersects with the most consequential areas of the economy for everyday people: where they live (housing) and the conditions under which they work (labor).  

Tackling tech’s intersection with economic equity requires a multi-faceted approach. 

We combine our advocacy and research—centered on the experiences of workers and renters—to identify the most pressing issues impacting our communities. We create and push bold policies to address these inequities, with the real stories of everyday people helping us make the case for change. To make sure these policies are actually effective, we work with regulators, advocates, and impacted communities to ensure they have the data, resources, and tools they need to implement equitable policy and hold the tech industry accountable.

We’re focused on pushing for regulatory change in California, the home of the tech industry. We know that creating impactful policy here has ripple effects across the country—and around the world.

Want to learn more about our theory of change and what we’re doing to make sure the tech industry benefits everyone? Read our Strategic Plan.