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Competition in the AI industry—recapped
The Monopoly man has his monocle on artificial intelligence (AI). AI is posited to be the next big evolution in tech—and a big money-maker for investors. Companies are scrambling to not only make the biggest advances but also buy up potential competition. Apple has been buying up AI… Read More
AI + competition – event recording
AI has taken the world by storm. Seemingly overnight, generative AI has embedded itself across industries and is impacting millions of people. This rapid change in our technology—and its impact on our economy—has raised larger questions of how we can ensure that these tools are not controlled by a handful… Read More
Rental Data Landscape
2024-Rental-Data-Landscape_FinalDownload… Read More
What exactly is Artificial Intelligence? And other questions, answered.
Despite concerns around artificial intelligence (AI)—both material and existential—the hype around AI shows no signs of slowing down. Chat GPT took the world by storm in 2023. OpenAI and Meta say that they’re ready to release AI models capable of “reasoning.” Intel is throwing down against… Read More
Industry Resource Center
The tech industry faces rising pressures to navigate changing economic environments, take corporate action, and mitigate legal, financial, and reputational risks. There’s an opportunity for industry leaders to steer through these challenges and further technological innovation that does not come at the expense of social and economic equity. TechEquity shapes… Read More
AI + Hiring – How Algorithms Decide Jobs
As AI takes our economy by storm, it’s quickly being adopted in all aspects of business—including hiring. Companies are using AI to screen resumes, evaluate candidates’ body language in interviews, and more to automate hiring decisions, despite the potential for algorithmic bias. Some companies are even using AI… Read More
How do we create a people-first approach to AI policy?
Generative AI has captured the attention of people around the world. ChatGPT and other large language models excited millions of people—and created a sense of fear for others. But in some critical aspects of our lives, AI has already arrived, impacting everyone. Automated decision-making systems, predictive algorithms, and many other… Read More
Join the Tech Worker Group
Are you a tech worker and want to get connected to community and resources? We’re building a tech worker group to give updates on our campaigns, share resources, and come together to brainstorm how to close the equity gap between contract and directly-hired workers. Sign up to join the mailing… Read More
Thank You! – Tech Worker Group
Thank you for signing up to join the Tech Worker Group! You’ll get first look at our campaign updates and ways to get involved. In the meantime, you can get started by signing up… Read More