Supporting a rent-fixing ban in San Jose

October 9, 2024

Landlords are increasingly using Proptech to “increase efficiency” in setting your rent. Companies like RealPage help them “gain transparency” into their assets—and, allegedly, also help them collude on rent prices by allowing landlords to share normally private data on pricing and occupancy rates. 

This can best be described as price-fixing or, more specifically in this case, rent-fixing. As though rent prices aren’t already high enough for most Americans, landlords can use this strategy to maximize what they charge for rent.

San Francisco banned software that potentially enables landlords to rent-fix in July 2024. Is it now San Jose’s turn? We hope so!
That’s why we signed this letter supporting San Jose Councilmember Peter Ortiz’s proposed ban on rent price-fixing. Read on for the full letter.

Do you suspect that you’ve been the victim of rent-fixing software? Share your story with one of our organizers to help lawmakers and the public understand what change needs to happen—in the Bay and beyond.