
Why housing?

Housing is a fundamental human right. Having a safe and stable home is core to a healthy life, and ensuring everyone has a home is critical for collective prosperity.

But far too many people—in California and across the country—don’t have access to stable, affordable housing that can serve as the bedrock to growing family prosperity. As rent becomes increasingly unaffordable, homeownership falls further out of reach, and homelessness is on the rise, there is an opportunity for technology to help people access housing and interrupt the bias and discrimination that is rife in the housing market. Too often, though, tech’s role in the housing market serves to undermine the American Dream rather than make it more attainable.

We address tech’s role in the housing market. New technologies like algorithmic tenant screening tools and tech-enabled alternative home financing products present both opportunities and risks to renters and potential homeowners. We work with advocates and renters to shape these new tools and services so they can lower barriers to affordable housing for everyone, rather than raise them.

In order to tackle the housing crisis, we first need to have a good picture of what’s happening. But, our housing crisis is shockingly opaque. Landlords and housing suppliers operate with little transparency, making it easy to discriminate without accountability. As the nation’s housing crisis worsens and renters face increasing instability, we need data that will enable regulators to create better policy and provide advocates and residents more tools to help enforce their rights.

Mitigating harm in housing tech

We uncover potential risks and opportunities in housing tech products and business models and promote policy frameworks that limit tech’s harm in the housing market while amplifying its possibility.

Creating transparency in housing data

We work with advocates and renters to understand data gaps and rebalance information asymmetries between companies, governments, and the public.

Share your story

Closing equity gaps in housing tech is only possible by hearing from renters about where those gaps are. Do you have a story to tell on how housing tech made it harder for you to secure affordable, stable housing? Share your story with us! We’ll keep it as anonymous as you’d like.

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